
Whether you want a pan to cook eggs and bacon in, or you plan to regularly put together fabulous culinary creations, we have just the frying pan to move your cooking to a different level. Please browse our comprehensive range, you are sure to find something to suit your needs. We have fying pans for every budget, and we stock lots of different makes, including market leaders Stellar. We also have pans for those special tasks, such as, omelette and pancake making together with high-sided frying pans suitable for sautéing. If you want a frying pan with a lid, we can supply one. Our standard non-stick frying pans come in different colours and finishes so that you can match them up to your existing cookware or kitchen decor. Or perhaps you are looking for something in stainless steel or cast iron, we have lots to choose from.
If you need advice on which pan to buy, speak to a member of our professional and knowledgeable team, they will be only to glad to discuss your requirements and help you select a frying pan that really does live up to your expectations.

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