Pond Treatments & Chemicals

There is no reason why caring for your garden pond should be a chore! At Elmers Hardware, we stock a wide range of pond treatment products. Maybe you have been searching for an effective blanket weed treatment, or you have recently run out of common pond cleaning chemicals? These are only two of the options which we can help you find.

Elmers Hardware provides many pond treatment products for your garden. We are also pleased to work with trusted brand names, so you can be assured that the products you buy from us will always be great quality. Our range includes items such as Bermuda Greenwater Treatments and Tetra AquaSafe products for ponds, fish and white spot treatments.

Our selection of pond chemicals is aimed to take the guesswork out of the equation. If you have not been satisfied with the pond treatments you have used in the past or if you require a specialised formulation such as a duckweed treatment, we are always here to help! Place your order today via our online shop, or visit our Ipswich store to find out more.

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