Sarpo Mira seed potatoes are the most blight resistant potato variety available in the UK.
When grown by Mr Barbour in his own garden for the first time last year “They didn’t require spraying for blight. The haulms were infected with blight but they have still produced blight free tubers on the 12th of October. Very impressive.”
Sarpo Mira tubers have a dry, floury texture which are best suited to roasting and chipping, they also make a great baking potato.
Maincrop seed potatoes mature in 125-140 days and, if planted in late April, can be harvested by mid August.

Ideal soil conditions for growing potatoes are sandy loam soils which can be enriched with lots of organic matter to aid water retention and provide suitable feeding for you potatoes.
Heavy clay soils can be improved by adding sharp sand and lots of organic matter in the autumn of the year so that the new soil mixture can be exposed to frost which will help break up the soil structure and make it easier to work with.
If you are unable to get organic matter you can add compost to the area you wish to plant your potatoes in.
Each potato should be 25cm from the next, with rows spaced 60cm apart. Always make sure the eyes are facing upwards. Drills should be 15cm deep.
Water well in dry spells.
Harvest June-July. Dig up mature potatoes and store them in a cool, dry and dark location. Potatoes can be stored for several months. Tip: when harvesting, remove all foliage and small potatoes from the soil and discard, to avoid diseases on next year’s crop.